
Our highly specialized team treats disorders involving the 喉(喉头)和气管(气管). 我们提供全面的护理,帮助您更轻松地呼吸、说话和吞咽.


复杂的气道状况影响呼吸,需要高度专业化的护理. The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Complex Airway Surgery team is known worldwide for exceptional treatment that improves people’s quality of life. 当您选择皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心进行复杂气道手术时,您可以期待:


公认的卓越: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s head and neck surgery program is consistently ranked among the nation’s best by U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道. Many of our head and neck physicians are included among Los Angeles Magazine’s “前 Doctors” and “Super Doctors” of Southern California. 

先进的专业知识: Our providers have decades of experience diagnosing and treating the full spectrum of airway disorders. 我们知识的广度和深度导致了成功的结果. 

团队的方法: 我们的复杂气道团队包括耳鼻喉科(耳科)专家, 鼻喉护理), 胸外科手术, interventional pulmonology (focuses on minimally invasive ways to treat airway conditions), 胃肠病学(照顾消化系统), 语言病理学和呼吸治疗.

方便的护理: We can perform many diagnostic and treatment procedures in our office instead of the hospital. 

研究重点: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 physician-scientists are at the forefront of clinical and laboratory research in airway conditions. 我们的教师定期发表他们的研究成果,以促进气道护理. 


The airway or respiratory tract includes structures and organs that bring in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. 当部分气道阻塞时,呼吸和说话会变得困难, 包括咽(喉), 喉(喉头)和气管(气管), 狭窄或阻塞. 各种气道疾病也会影响吞咽.

有些呼吸道疾病可能是先天性的(出生时就存在)。. 其他则是由创伤、疾病或长时间使用呼吸管引起的.



气道狭窄 is a narrowing of the airway, which causes hoarseness or difficulty breathing. 气道狭窄的类型取决于其位置,包括:

  • 声门的狭窄: 声带处的喉部狭窄 
  • 声门下狭窄: 声带以下的喉部狭窄
  • 气管狭窄: 气管变窄
  • 插管后气道狭窄: 气管l stenosis resulting from prolonged intubation or tracheostomy (surgical opening in the front of the neck into the windpipe) 
  • 放疗后咽、气道狭窄: 放射治疗后发生的狭窄



  • 双侧声带麻痹: 声带不动,影响呼吸和说话.
  • 喉肿瘤: 异常细胞在喉部发育繁殖,形成肿瘤. 喉部肿瘤可以是癌性(恶性)或非癌性(良性)。. 
  • 复发性呼吸道乳头状瘤病: The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes benign wart-like growths on or near the vocal cords, 导致声音嘶哑或其他声音变化. 大的生长也可能使呼吸困难. 因为病毒仍在组织中,所以切除后又会生长.
  • 喘鸣: This is noisy breathing caused by vocal cord paralysis or an obstruction or narrowing in the airway.
  • Tracheobronchomalacia: 气道组织变软变弱,造成部分气道阻塞. 
  • 气管食管瘘: An abnormal connection between the esophagus and trachea allows food and liquids to reach the lungs. 这种异常可能是先天性的,也可能是由其他情况引起的.
  • 气管造口依赖及相关疾病: 有些病人需要气管造口管来帮助呼吸. 长时间使用气管插管通气可引起各种并发症.


Your doctor may refer you to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor (otolaryngologist). ENTs have specialized training in airway conditions and can develop a treatment plan to help you feel better.


Our providers use several tests to diagnose airway and swallowing problems, including:


我们可能会要求血液、尿液或组织样本在实验室进行分析. 来自实验室测试的信息可以提供有价值的健康见解.


Your doctor may request detailed pictures of your airways, lungs and blood vessels. 常见的影像学检查包括:

  • 胸部x光片: This technique uses electromagnetic radiation to capture images of the inside of your chest.
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT): This scan combines X-rays and computers to produce detailed images of airway structures and the chest area.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI): 这个测试使用无线电波, high-powered magnets and a computer to create detailed images of your respiratory system.
  • 食管造影(钡餐研究): You swallow a solution with barium, which coats your esophagus as it moves down to the stomach. This solution helps your doctor see your esophagus in action during a specialized X-ray.
  • 改良钡餐研究: This test is like a barium swallow but checks to see if food or liquids enter your lungs.


We insert a flexible or rigid tube with a light and camera at the end (endoscope) through the nose or mouth to view portions of the airway. 我们在办公室进行的专业内窥镜检查包括:

  • 喉镜检查: 观察喉部
  • 支气管镜检查: 看气管
  • 食管镜测法: 评估食道
  • 软性(纤维)内镜下吞咽评估: 聚焦于吞咽过程的喉镜检查
  • 底食管镜测法: 通过鼻子而不是嘴进入观察食道
  • 三重内窥镜检查: 评估喉部, 上下气道, 在医院的一次内窥镜检查中检查上消化道
  • Videostroboscopy: 在你发声时观察声带
  • 内镜活检: 将组织样本送到实验室进行分析


Most airway treatments aim to widen the airway and remove obstructions to make breathing easier. 根据您的具体诊断和需要, 你的气道治疗可能包括口服药物, 注射, 手术或两者结合 .


药物可以帮助治疗一些气道疾病. Your doctor may also inject steroids into the airway structures to reduce inflammation.


我们的医生尽可能使用微创手术治疗. 这些包括:

  • 膨胀: This procedure stretches and opens the airway by temporarily inflating and then removing a small balloon.
  • 支架: Your doctor inserts a metal or silicone tube-shaped device to keep the airway open.
  • 消融治疗: Your doctor uses focused heat, cold or lasers to destroy scar tissue or tumors in the airway.


Some airway treatments require open surgery, which involves a skin incision to access the airway. 我们的外科医生在所有复杂的气道手术方面经验丰富, 包括喉部的, 气管和声带:


  • 喉神经移植: This procedure restores nerve connections in the larynx, helping the vocal cords function.
  • 喉气管重建(喉气管成形术): Your doctor removes a small piece of cartilage from elsewhere in your body (a graft). 然后他们将移植物插入气管,扩大气管,使呼吸更容易.
  • 部分喉切除术: 这种手术切除喉部的一部分来治疗癌性肿瘤.
  • 经口激光显微手术: Your doctor uses powerful lasers at the end of an endoscope to remove laryngeal tumors.



  • Cricotracheal切除: Your doctor removes the narrowed portion of the airway below the larynx and reconnects the healthy sections.
  • 气管切除: 你的医生会切除病变部位, 气管的结疤或狭窄部分,连接其余的末端.
  • 气管丁字管: t形硅胶支架保持气道畅通,保证呼吸顺畅. 通常用于气管狭窄手术后.
  • 气管食管瘘修补术: Your doctor separates the trachea and esophagus and closes the openings in each passageway.
  • 气管造口术: Your doctor makes an incision in your trachea and inserts a tracheostomy tube in your airway to help with breathing. 移除气管造口管的过程称为脱管.
  • 气管造口术修正及气管造口成形术: 医生修改或重建气管造口术(气管造口术).



  • Phonosurgery: A variety of surgical procedures to treat a vocal cord abnormality can improve voice quality and sound production.
  • 声带中间化手术: This surgery repositions a paralyzed vocal cord so the functioning vocal cord can work properly.
  • Epiglottoplasty: This procedure reshapes the epiglottis (the cartilage at the top of your voice box) when it is dysfunctional or obstructive.
  • 咽成形术: This surgery reshapes the soft palate in the roof of your mouth and surrounding areas (pharynx), 通常用来治疗鼻音发音的言语.


Our otolaryngologists are experts in diagnosing and treating all complex airway conditions. They collaborate with a team of subspecialists to manage your condition effectively and improve your quality of life.



呼叫 310-206-6688皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的气道专家预约.